A shabeeh (replica or mimic) Zuljennah – the horse of Imam Hussain – surrounded by mirrors.
Inspired by the tradition from Mubarak Haveli in Mochi Gate Lahore, where each year before the Ashura procession on the eve of 9th Muharram, the horse is shown a mirror in order to reveal the stature or depth of its identity to itself. The horse is made aware of the legendary ancestor, the Zuljennah of Imam Hussain, that it is being associated to.
There have been numerous personal accounts of miraculous sightings of the Zuljennah’s rider, Hussain himself, atop the shabeeeh. Often, as miracle-observers have reported, the rider they have caught in fleeting moments is headless. Hussain was decapitated after being killed in the battle of Karbala.

No-one carrying a Taboot (funeral). Inspired by the heavy weight metallic replicas of funerals of martyrs of the battle of Karbala.

The arrival of Sobhan in the court of Ali – Kufa.

Sobhan and Ali in dialogue – what ensued between man and djinn on this occasion would go on to define an allegiance of legends for centuries.

All digital sketches drawn by Rameen Rizvi.
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